Category Archives: Travel Tips

Travel Advisory – What’s With Cambodian Money Scams?

I’m am on my 4th trip to Cambodia and over this short period of time, about 4 years, a lot has changed. So much so that Cambodia is really not a place to visit. If you do, come specifically to see the temples.

Don’t Shit Where You Eat

It’s obvious that Cambodia survives on tourism and corruption. Really a shame honestly. Being the history between America and Cambodia I can understand some animosity to a degree. However the blatant racism is not just targeted toward Americans. Maybe there is a more worldly animosity that Cambodians have that me, as an American, am not aware of. Travelers who re-visit places regularly, like me, seem to be waking up to the scams in Cambodia. All over review websites people are speaking out about how they were scammed out of money in one way or another. What’s honestly going on here is the people are following the example of the government. Steal whatever you can and lie if they catch you. I don’t say that haphazardly. If you meet an honest Cambodian, they will tell you.

The Ripped Bill Scam

This happens all over Cambodia. Because Cambodian people are not educated on how to verify that a US bill is real or not they will not accept torn or bend US dollar bills. Boggles my mind why they are using my countries money and don’t know what it’s supposed to look like. Anyway, on to the scam.
For an example, you are eating out. The waiter brings the check, you stuff some US bills in the check billfold and he takes it. What happens next is they switch the bills on you claiming that they are ripped bringing you back bills that you can’t spend. What really happened is the restaurant takes in the ripped bills from Cambodians and pass them on to tourists. One place this happened to me at requested that I pay in US dollars before I even ordered coffee.

How To Avoid This Scam

This makes your trip to Cambodia a real big pain in the ass but you have to be focused on your money 100% of the time. Demand that the waiter look over all bills, US or Cambodian, and approve them BEFORE he leaves your sight. Better yet, have them bring the change and trade the bill money for the change at the same time. Be sure to check every single bill they give you. How’s that for shitting on your travels. You can’t even have a leisurely breakfast.

High End Places Won’t Scam Me

No matter if it is a large place or small place do not be fooled that you as a tourist are an outsider. There is no doubt a Cambodian alliance that is above anything. Even if the place is owned by a foreigner, Cambodians run the businesses. Best believe they are looking out for each other.

Half US Dollars Half Cambodian Real Scam

This is another SUPER common scam. When you make a purchase they give you change in Cambodian Real claiming to know the exchange rate. It’s a lie.
Because you don’t know what the exchange rate is they will short change in Cambodian Real. Happens all the time and when you call them out for trying to rip you off they claim is was a mistake. If you want to believe that, go ahead. But the God’s honest truth is most Cambodian market stall owners want to rip you off.

The Hidden Money Scam in Cambodia

Everywhere you go this is the first thing people that you exchange money with will do. Rather than laying out the money and counting it honestly the shop owner will hide the bill you gave him or her behind something. You can no longer see your bill. At this point they will pop up and say “The bill is ripped” or “This bill is fake” and hand you back what you think is the bill you gave them. What really happened is they switched the bill and left you with a counterfeit or torn bill. Similar to the ripped bill above but this can happen anywhere, not just a restaurant.

A Warning: Don’t Invest In Cambodian Land

While you are here you may be approached on how great of a time it is to buy land. Don’t be fooled. Chances of you actually seeing a fair return are slim. By the time an investor sees any of the profit there really will be about 5% of actual, if you are lucky. Cambodia is not cut and dry. Whenever someone decides to they just come down and tell you to pay them whatever, and if you don’t, well who knows. The quote was “They will not let you live there”. Whatever that means.

Nightlife Scams

I have a few bits to add about Cambodian Nightlife Scams. That is paid content but it’s well worth it. Should you decide to have “company” while you are here spend a couple dollars and let me set expectations for you trip to Cambodia.

Traveler Related

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

Be ready.That really is the secret to getting through any airport faster. On my travels it has become clear to ...
Travel Advisory - What's With Cambodian Money Scams?

Travel Advisory – What’s With Cambodian Money Scams?

I'm am on my 4th trip to Cambodia and over this short period of time, about 4 years, a lot ...

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How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

Be ready.

That really is the secret to getting through any airport faster. On my travels it has become clear to me the more prepared I am the easier the flight goes. Since everyone loves lists here is mine on how to fly through the airport.

1.) Have your passport easily accessible.

Fumbling around looking for anything in the airport stresses you out. You have a line of people staring at you, an attendant that is waiting and you don’t want to lose anything while you’re digging through your packed bags. Eliminate the stress and use a fairly accessible pocket for your flight information, drivers licenses, and passport.
I use either the front pocket or an top inside pocket depending on the bag that I plan to travel with facing in front of me. At each checkpoint which is almost always where a line is forming, it is a snap for me to produce any requested identification.

2.) Keep Immigration information in you passport.

You don’t want to lose any of those papers that they give you when you get your passport stamped. You’ll need them to get out of whatever country you are in. If you are even a bit of an explorer keep all your documents in a gallon plastic bag to prevent an accident.

3.) Be Ready For Security.

You’ve been standing in line for 20 minutes and now you are at the steel tables just before you get in the scanner and you are just NOW checking your pockets? You have a water bottle after all the signs said “No Liquids over 3oz”? My advise is put EVERYTHING in your bag when you are shuffling through the security line, far before the metal table. Have you iPad or laptop ready to come out of your bag and into a separate bin. Take off your belt put it in your bag and untie your shoes if you need to. Some airport security still wants to see your toiletries so have those at the top of your bag in a gallon sized plastic bag. I’ve learned you can’t control other people but you can be prepared with your pockets empty

4.) Find your gate.

Before you go around shopping at the boutiques or duty free find your gate and check the screen for you boarding time and destination. Then go shopping or use the washroom etc.. Knowing exactly where your gate is will prevent you from having to run with your coffee to try and catch a flight on the other side of the terminal. Know your boarding time, show up 5 minutes before and stand in line. You’ll be one of the first people on the plane. This is especially true if your seat is at the back of the plane

5.) Say Please and Thank You.

This will get you a long way. Treat all the security personnel with respect and they will always point you in the best direction they can. This is more true outside of the United States than in. Nothing is worse than standing in the wrong line because you didn’t smile when you asked and say Thank You when you receive the information you asked for.

So that’s it, a few of my personal favorites for getting through any airport faster. What are some of your favorite ways to get through the airport quickly? Let me know!!

Traveler Related

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

Be ready.That really is the secret to getting through any airport faster. On my travels it has become clear to ...
Travel Advisory - What's With Cambodian Money Scams?

Travel Advisory – What’s With Cambodian Money Scams?

I'm am on my 4th trip to Cambodia and over this short period of time, about 4 years, a lot ...

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How To Truly Travel Light

When getting through the airport in any city one thing I always wonder about is what exactly is in all of those overly large suitcases? Do these people really think they need to pack that much for a vacation?
In the past I have overpacked too but I realized that I wasn’t wearing half of the clothing that I had brought with me and on average I would only use 2 pairs of shoes. These days I travel with two backpacks, one for my clothes and one for my electronics and added extras. While this may not work for everyone, for me, I can pick up my bags and get directly on the plane and I never have to worry about waiting at the baggage claims after the flight. Smooth sailing!
Most of the time when you travel you have the intention of buying souvenirs and the like, traveling light from the start makes for plenty of room for all the chachkies that you will acquire. My favorite way to travel light is to only bring one change of clothes and buy whatever clothing I need from a thrift store when I reach my destination. Buying clothes when you get there is also beneficial because you will look like a local, and that is always good.
Another “Best Practice to Travel” is to be realistic with yourself and your hygiene products. Sure you need a toothbrush and mouthwash. A pouf and some body wash as well. But bringing large bottles and multiple different kinds of .. well whatever creams and lotions you bought at the makeup counter, will just weigh you down. Remember, you always look better while you are on vacation because you are under far less stress.
Another benefit of traveling light is not having more stuff to worry about. Less clothes mean less weight, less laundry to do and less time making decisions on what to wear. It is my belief that people waste so much time worrying about stuff. If your intention is to get away from stress, then do it. 90% of what the average traveller brings with them is unnecessary or will not be used.
Don’t fall for the trickery of your anxiety, if you can go 24 hours without it you can go 2 weeks. Ditch the extra baggage.

Traveler Related

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

Be ready.That really is the secret to getting through any airport faster. On my travels it has become clear to ...
Travel Advisory - What's With Cambodian Money Scams?

Travel Advisory – What’s With Cambodian Money Scams?

I'm am on my 4th trip to Cambodia and over this short period of time, about 4 years, a lot ...

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5 Ways To Have Money On Vacation

While traveling I have learned that you can’t run out of money. Moreover you can’t get cut off from your money. Losing a bank card or having a credit card shut off while far away from home always sinks a trip fast. Many time you will attempt to call and not be able to reach your bank because of time difference. So I came up with these five ways to make sure you have a string of money sources while you travel.

1.) Have A Debit Card
Every bank account has one these days. Be sure yours isn’t too worn out and that the numbers on the back are clearly visible. Don’t leave for vacation with a credit or debit card that barely scans. You will find that the card readers internationally are not always as good as the ones in the states.

2.) Have A Second Bank Account
Go to another bank or credit union and get a separate bank account, with a Debit Card. That’s right, find a second, completely separate bank. Open an account and attach a debit card to it. Put some money in it before you leave, I keep $1000 on it just in case something happens and I need it to get me through. Be sure to use it once or twice while you are gone just to be sure it will work when you need it most.

3.) Order A Back Up Debit Card
A month before you leave on your vacation call the main bank or credit union that you will be spending money from and order another Debit Card. Ask for a different card number and DO NOT ACTIVATE IT. Put it in your bag, unactivated and take it with you. Now when you are half way across the world and you loose your main debit card you can call, cancel the lost card and immediately activate the newly issued card with the new number. I don’t do this for my secondary account. Just my primary.

4.) Stash Some Cash
There are all kinds of nifty places to stash a few extra 20’s in your bag and your clothes. I generally keep an extra 50-60 dollars US in small bills tucked away in small pockets. Jeans are great for this as they generally have the small pocket that can easily and securely hold a bill or two. In your shoe soles is another great place. What stash spots can you come up with?

5.) Write Down Card and Bank Contact Information
Before you leave copy down all the important contact numbers for your bank and credit card companies on a piece of paper small enough to easily fit in your passport. Make sure you update it before every trip. Also bring a voided check just in case you need your actual bank account number.

These are the top 5 things I do to eliminate the worry of being cut off from a money supply before and during my travels. All 5 of them are experiences that I have had while traveling and by using the above listed methods I have always been able to keep moving financially while traveling.

Traveler Related

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

How To Get Through Any Airport Faster

Be ready.That really is the secret to getting through any airport faster. On my travels it has become clear to ...
Travel Advisory - What's With Cambodian Money Scams?

Travel Advisory – What’s With Cambodian Money Scams?

I'm am on my 4th trip to Cambodia and over this short period of time, about 4 years, a lot ...

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